You can read more by following these links to national press
- May 5, 2017: "The Brader Experience", The Alliance Review
- January 8, 2017: "Our Heritage / Stark County was Built on Agriculture",Canton Repository (Canton, Ohio), by Tim Botos.
- May-June 2015: "Picturing the Farms of Ohio and Pennsylvania" HUMANITIES magazine, by Dorothy Shinn.
- Jan 16, 2015: "Seeing Rural Ohio Through a Swiss Immigrant Artist's Eyes," NPR Cleveland Ideastream, by Tony Ganzer
- Jan 10, 2015: SwissInfo podcast by Tony Ganzer [Note Ferdinand Brader is second story)
- Dec 30, 2014: "The Legacy of Ferdinand Brader Through March 15 at the Canton Museum of Art" Antique and Arts Weekly by Hollie Davis
- Dec 5, 2014: "Adventurous Artist Drew Farmsteads in Ohio, Pennsylvania" Beacon Journal (Akron, Ohio) by Anderson Turner
- Nov 30, 2014: "Artist Ferdinand A. Brader Captured 19th Century Farmlife, Local History in Pencil Drawings" Canton Repository by Gary Brown
- Nov 29, 2014: Ohio Exhibitions Highlight Ferdinand Brader" New York Times by Eve M. Kahn
- Nov 19 2014: "Discovering Ferdinand Brader" Ohio Humanities, Sharing the Human Story
- Nov 3, 2014: "Vagabond Sketch Artist Brader Generates Broader Appeal" Part 1 and Part 2. Antique Week by Don Johnson
- Aug 28, 2014: "Bringing Brader Back Home" - Farm and Dairy (Salem, Ohio) by Brian Lisik
- Aug 28, 2014: "Finding Ferdinand Brader" - Farm and Dairy (Salem, Ohio) by Brian Lisik
- Sep 20, 2013: "Uncovering the Truth about Artists who Sketched in Wayne County's Countryside in 1800s" - The Daily Record (Wooster, Ohio) by Paul Locher
- August 2013: Ferdinand A. Brader - Laurel Messenger (Somerset, Pennsylvania) by Mark Ware
- October 1, 2012: Malone University chair of Department Visual Art interviews Exhibit Curator - Gary Spangler
- July 9, 2012: Museum Looks for Brader Drawings - Canton Repository by Gary Brown
- June 14, 2012: Gund Gallery Interviews: Kathleen Wieschaus discusses Ferdinand Brader - Kenyon College (Gambier, OH)
- May 16, 2012: "Riddle, Mystery Enigma: The Life and Work of Ferdinand Brader" - Prices4Antiques Blog by Hollie Davis
"Brader Days"
A "Brader Day" is an informal gathering of Brader enthusiasts and collectors. We have had several.
January 10, 2014. People gathered at the new Kiko offices on Saturday for a celebration of Brader. Someone said “It is almost as though we were having a late birthday party for Brader”. And she was was a party indeed!
Kiko staff were well organized and provided a warm welcome to their brand new offices. A lovely light lunch was served; there were flowers and presents. Kiko Auctioneers are to be complimented for their commitment and generous support of this research and of the upcoming exhibit of the fabulous drawings by Ferdinand Brader.
Guests brought in drawings to be cataloged and photographed. Everyone watched the continual slide show of the already cataloged drawings. There were binders of individual townships showing the drawings and the research completed on farm locations and family histories.
There was lively conversation and wonder at these amazing and historic drawings which tell so much about our heritage.
Ken Bennett pointing out drawing details to Dan Chrzanowski |
This drawing, The Residence of Henry D. and Sarah Keim, was enjoyed by all. |
Bill Gill and Jim Gill study the Lawrence Township book while
Vicki Whitacre looks at the book of floral drawings. |
Theresa Kiko Blocker (far right) welcomed Tiffany Atkinson, researcher
and Kris Monter photographer. Exhibit curator Kathleen Wieschaus-Voss is proud and grateful for work of all the volunteers and for the generous support of Kiko Auctioneers. |
Bob Leibensperger and grandson Andrew Leibensperger
getting ready to review the book of Pennsylvania drawings. |
Dan Chrzanowski and Kathleen Wieschaus-Voss
discuss the self-portrait Brader drew. |
Theresa Kiko Blocker with Bob Leibensperger and his grandson Andrew.
They are admiring the drawing of the Berks County farm of John Willy. |
The slideshow of drawings ran continuously throughout the party. |
Elizabeth Blakemore, director of the LIttle Art Gallery in North Canton Ohio.
She will collaborate with the Canton Museum and the McKinley Museum
by exhibiting 10 additional drawings in December 2014.
The Millers were interested in the "township books"
which showed the drawings, their family histories and farm locations. |
Della Clason Sperling, research director, with the drawing of the Jacob and Celestine Lamielle farm.
After the drawing was measured and cataloged.
it was photographed by Niki Lenhart for use in the forthcoming book. |
Kathleen Wieschaus-Voss chats with Jean Ferguson
about this lithograph print from an 1875 atlas. |
Harold Peffer of Peffer Gallery in Canton Ohio reading about the life of Ferdinand A. Brader.
On the screen is one of the Pennsylvania drawings. |
Kiko auctioneers Bill Gill and Theresa Kiko Blocker
with Brader exhibit curator Kathleen Wieschaus-Voss. |
Brader Day 2013
July 20, 2013.
What a thrill to gather around these historic drawings,
brought in by descendants of the original farmers, and hear their family stories. |
Phil Harlan had carefully researched the stories of his Swiss ancestors, John and Elizabeth Beuter,
whose hospitality was enjoyed by Brader while he made this drawing. |
Kay Schultz points out the log cabin in this drawing
to Russell Newburn and Katie Woodhall. |
Lynnda Arrasmith, Curator of the Canton Museum of Art,
takes care of another precious drawing. |
Phil Harlan has a interested listeners in Ken Schultz, Della Clason Sperling and Myrna Mylius. |
Steve Espenscheid, curator of the Lake Township Historical Society,
discusses locations of the farms Brader drew with Kathleen. |
Ramon Davis brought in in her drawing and tells the story of the unique way in which her ancestor acquired it.
Ramona's daughter Jill Wickham listens while Della takes notes.
This drawing of the Royer farm is one of only three known in which Brader drew himself as an artist with an easel. |
Kathy Fleer takes notes form Phil Harlan about the family drawing
he brought to the museum to be cataloged and photographed. |
Ramona Davis and Russell Newburn locate the Royer farm on an 1896Jackson Township map. |
Myrna Mylius and Kathleen discuss her family drawing
in relation to the one which Brader made of the neighboring farm.
Brader frequently includes neighboring farms in his drawings. It is possible to locate them
and a real thrill to occasionally find the actual drawing of the neighbor's farm |
Harold Peffer studies the map of Stark County
which is annotated with locations of the farms Brader drew. |
Della is recording the family stories
about the drawing of Rohn farm in Medina County. |
Bill Gill of Kiko Auctioneers and Kathleen
picking out farms they recognize on the annotated Stark County map. |
Kay and Ken Schultz visit with Vicki and Jim Whitacre |
Mryna Mylius and her son Harold Mylius brought in the family |
M.L. Albacete, Director of the Canton Museum of Art,
welcomed guests to the museum. |
The drawing of George Dilger's Brewery is one of the largest drawings which have been cataloged.
Dimensions are 40" high x 58" wide. Every inch is filled with details of life in 1885 Losuiville Ohio. |
Brader Day 2012
July 14, 2012: There was a wonderful turnout for the first ever "Bring your Brader Day". On that special Saturday, dozens of families came to the Canton Museum of Art to share information and have their drawings photographed. A total of 26 Brader drawings were brought in to be studied and professionally photographed.
Cataloged drawings increased by 14, and wonderful stories were shared about the remaining 12 drawings which were already on the list. All families who participated received both a digital and a printed image of their Brader drawing.
Our understanding of Ferdinand Brader and his work has been greatly enhanced by this spirit of generosity and enthusiasm.
Credit for all images shown on this page: Photographer Niki Linhart.
The Lebold drawing is studied by Canton Museum Executive Director Al Albacete and Paul White while Lauren Kuntsman registers the drawing |
Russell Newburn providing information about a Brader drawing to Museum Curator Lynnda Arrasmith and Kathy Fleheer .
In the background, Katie Woodhall is recording more data. |
Genealogy for the Ream drawing is studied by family members with Brader Curator Kathleen Wieschaus-Voss.
Rich Mercorelli works with an 1896 map to identify locations of the drawings. |
Kenny and Lynnda Arrasmith bring a Brader drawing to Dave Bissett's working photography studio |
Rachel Harbold and her family register the drawing of the family farm while photographer Dave Bissett admires it and Lauren and Kathy take down details.
In the back ground Dave Peffer discusses framing issues with Olin Bleickrodt of Wayne County. |
Details of the Lebold drawing are compared with photographs of the buildings as they are today
beautifully preserved and now known as the Springhouse Bed and Breakfast in Bolivar Ohio |
This lucky couple brought in both their family drawings, his and hers. |
Admiring the train and other details in this Lawrence Township drawing. |
This wonderful drawing has remained in the family for over 100 years. |
One of the few drawings from Wayne CountyOhio |
This property remains an active farm to this day. |
Olin B. with two Wayne County drawings |
Another fine example of a drawing still in the family. |
Four separate families sharing information and looking for similar details. |
This Tuscarawas County drawing # 357 is one of the very first Brader made in Ohio |
Listening to the fabulous story of how one family ends up with two Brader drawings. |
A story of the square of Marlboro Township is beautifully told in this drawing |
Sharing information about family drawings with exhibit curator. |
Studying 1875 and 1896 township maps to locate family farms drawn by Brader |
This drawing is happily now at the fine paper conservation studio of McKay Lodge in Oberlin Ohio. |
Although the title Brader printed across the bottom of this drawing had been trimmed, it had been carefully preserved on the back of the drawing. |
© 2017Center for the Study of Art in Rural America, Inc. All rights reserved.
Rotary Club meeting / Canton Ohio / 12/6/2013
Can you help with this exciting research? Just a few hours of your assistance can add so much to the whole picture. We need help with the following projects.
Pinpoint exact locations of the farms in Brader's drawings.
Can you help trace Brader's path through your township?
Volunteers are needed to find the addresses of the Stark County Ohio drawings of NIMISHILLEN and LAWRENCE township farms. Elsewhere in Stark County the following volunteers are working on these townships, but your help would be appreciated there also: Cary Coates, Perry Township; Judy Pocock, Plain Township; Steve Espenshied, Lake Township drawings; Jeremiah Unkefer, Marlboro Township. Kim Carlson is working to locate the properties of the known drawings in Wadsworth Twp, Medina County.
In Pennsylvania, Jeff Herb has found addresses and family histories for family farms shown in Lebanon County and Lisa Minardi is working on Berks County. Can you help?
Compile written and oral histories of the families who lived on the farms. The people and the stories bring the drawings to life. There is a story behind every drawing. Can you help to find it?
Continue to search for Brader drawings. Each discovery helps us understand more about the artist, his work and about the families he met while on his travels. Any bit of information, any clue at all, will be a welcome puzzle piece to add to the big picture.
Thank you to all who have already called or written to offer new information.
Bob Freshley, Kim Carlson, Jeremiah Unkefer
Researching family names at the Marlboro cemetery |
Malone University 10/3/2012
Gathering to share information and Brader stories |
The binders with historical information and images of the drawings were popular |
Kathleen tells about Brader's home in Switzerland |
Vicki and Jim Whitacre with researcher & Brader volunteer Cary Coates |
Roland and Ruby Bair sharing Brader stories |
Beth Odell raises an interesting question. Cary and Kathleen think about it. |
John and Denise Ellsworth- Congolese watch the slide show one more time
while Ramona Davis tells the story of her Brader drawing |
Beth Odell and Susan Henry |
© 2017 Center for the Study of Art in Rural America, Inc. All rights reserved.